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Writer's pictureAmy

Living Out Kingdom Culture

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

When I felt God leading me to start a new business venture, I was not at all looking to start a new business. Been there, done that. And truthfully, it wasn't for me. I do recognize that in God's grace, this one is not quite as all-encompassing and stressful as my last one. Thank you, Jesus!

black background with pink writing that says, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10."

I felt a message about Kingdom Culture stirring in my brain. I wasn't sure what it meant but it came coupled with an emphasis on Matthew 6:10, which is considered the Lord's Prayer. Jesus prayed this prayer during His sermon on the mount. It is meant to be an example of the way we are to pray. This verse says, 'your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven'.

Citizens of the kingdom of heaven put no obstacle in front of God's will or ways. It means having a passion for God's agenda. When Jesus was on the cross, right before He died for our sins Jesus called for God's will to be done. In the words of Charles Sturgeon, "When the bloody sweat stood on His face and all the fear and trembling of a man in anguish were upon Him, He did not dispute the decree of the Father, but bowed His head and cried, 'Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt'."

Can we say we want God's will to be done in our lives with this kind of perfect trust? Can we say we want His will to be done even with things are hard and we are falling apart? Can we say it when we don't understand God's will? Probably not always, but the best we can do is pray this prayer and know that in His grace, God will slowly mold us into our most Christlike selves.

God can do His will with or without us. This verse is included in the Lord's Prayer because God still invites us to participate even though He doesn't need us to! Jesus later says that if we 'seek first His kingdom and His righteousness then all things will be added to us as well' (Matthew 6:33).

pink background with black writing that says, "but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33."

So how can we live to seek His kingdom and His righteousness? How can we live out Kingdom Culture every day? Culture constitutes a group of people's way of life, customs, traditions and an emphasis on their literature. Jesus is 'the Way, The Truth and the Life' (John 14:6).

So how do T-Shirts fit in here? Let me explain. I am an avid T-Shirt collector! When I put on a T-Shirt that represents a part of who I am, I am sending a message to the world with that shirt. So, when I put on a Christian T-Shirt it brings a certain level of accountability to my behavior that day. I'm in public declaring that I live for Jesus, so I better be patient, kind, loving and merciful in all my interactions. When I claim with this shirt or car decal that I am a follower of Jesus I want to make sure that people see Jesus in me!

half pink background, half black background. on pink background, black lettering says, "Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life." in black background pink lettering says, "John 14:6"

To sum it up simply, Kingdom Threads Apparel is a reminder for each of us to go into the world and make Jesus proud! Sometimes we will run into people offended by our bold passion for the Lord, but we are to love them anyway. To treat them kindly. Following the example of Jesus we are to live out His will and ways toward everyone around us. Even when it's hard, even when we don't see the full picture. We are to love without question.

Seeking His kingdom and His righteousness will be a daily choice. It won't be easy but that's why we make the conscious decision to live out Kingdom Culture EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Research shows that a big deterrent for people becoming born again is because they don't see Christ in the Christian. John MacArthur says, "You are the only bible some unbelievers will ever read." That is the absolute truth!

So, I'm hoping this inspires you! Go out into the world with a sign on your shirt declaring that you live your life for Jesus and then treat people the way He would treat them. It's the simplest and most effortless way to evangelize!

So, get out there, represent Jesus, and MAKE HEAVEN CROWDED!

Hey! While you're here... click on the link below to check out my Christian Apparel Store!

black background with pink writing that says, "make heaven crowded." there is a pink frame around letters and a star embellishment wrapping around the quote.


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